House & Garden offers - Coupons, Vouchers & Catalogues

In the House & Garden category, you'll find brochures and offers from your favorite stores, ensuring you're always up-to-date with the top weekly deals. Major chains frequently update their promotions. Featured leaflets include B&M Stores, B&Q, Bathstore, Bensons for Beds, Carpetright, DFS, Flying Tiger, Franke, Frosts Garden Centres, Furniture Village, Habitat, Hobbycraft, Homebase, IKEA, Jewson.

Screwfix offers valid from 24/01/2025

Screwfix offers

1 day left

B&M Stores offers valid from 25/01/2025

B&M Stores offers

2 days left

DFS offers valid from 29/01/2025

DFS offers

6 days left

B&Q offers valid from 12/07/2024

B&Q offers

6 days left

Hobbycraft offers valid from 04/02/2025

Hobbycraft offers

9 days left

IKEA offers valid from 16/02/2025

IKEA offers

21 days left

Flying Tiger offers valid from 22/02/2025New

Flying Tiger offers

27 days left

Screwfix offers valid from 24/02/2025New

Screwfix offers

Valid in 2 days

B&Q offers valid from 08/01/2025

B&Q offers

until 30/04/2025

B&Q offers valid from 08/01/2025

B&Q offers

until 30/04/2025

Let us help you save money when you shop.

In the House & Garden section, browse through leaflets showcasing the latest deals and offers from your favourite UK retailers, ensuring you always shop at reduced prices. Discover deals in leaflets from Frosts Garden Centres, Furniture Village, Habitat, Hobbycraft, Homebase, IKEA, Jewson, JYSK, and many other renowned stores.

Shop online effortlessly and swiftly.

Many House & Garden stores, such as Frosts Garden Centres, Furniture Village, Habitat, Hobbycraft, Homebase, IKEA, Jewson, JYSK, offer home delivery, allowing you to avoid long queues during big sales. Through our website, you can make online purchases and receive your orders right at your doorstep. If your chosen store doesn't provide home delivery, our platform directs you to the closest store location, so you can personally explore and select from the available discounted items.

House & Garden leaflets - Coupons, Vouchers & Catalogues

Currently, there are 10 leaflets in the house & garden category, all organized for your convenience to easily access the best deals and offers. Take a look here:

Looking for the top offers and leaflets in the House & Garden category?

To stay informed about all our deals and special offers, sign up for our newsletter. If you have a particular store in mind, simply register at no cost and track the promotional brochures of your preferred stores to get timely updates on the newest sales.

The leading {{category_name} brochures and catalogues in the UK.

Looking for gift inspiration without the hassle of browsing endless leaflets? You're in the perfect spot. We've organized the leaflets for your convenience, helping you locate your desired product swiftly. Find offers from all the top stores, all gathered in one place.

House & Garden shops

Have a specific item in mind but unsure where to buy it? Let us guide you to the right store, ensuring you secure the best deal available. We have compiled a list of stores including B&M Stores, B&Q, Bathstore, Bensons for Beds, Carpetright, DFS, Flying Tiger, Franke. Access the leaflets and catalogues of these stores online from any device, be it mobile phones, tablets, or computers. In just a few clicks, the top offers are at your fingertips.


Top Christmas Deals 2024: Festive Markets, Gifts, and Discounts in the UK

Top Christmas Deals 2024: Festive Markets, Gifts, and Discounts in the UK

The festive season of 2024 brings exciting Christmas markets, unbeatable deals, and creative gift ideas across the UK. From London’s Winter Wonderland to Manchester’s magical markets, explore the best holiday discounts, decorations, and classic British recipes. Make your Christmas shopping stress-free and your celebrations truly unforgettable this year!

The Most Enchanting Christmas Markets in England

The Most Enchanting Christmas Markets in England

As the festive season approaches, England transforms into a winter wonderland, adorned with sparkling lights and bustling Christmas markets. These markets, steeped in tradition and festivity, offer a magical experience for visitors. From sipping mulled wine to browsing handcrafted gifts, each market has its unique charm. This article explores some of the most enchanting Christmas markets across England, promising to add a touch of magic to your holiday season.